Thursday, January 14, 2016


(This post just keeps morphing and morphing as I try to make sense of yesterday.)

As of yesterday, only 4 people in the entire world even knew this blog existed - including me.

What was intended as a light-hearted and humorous look at Scientology has been tweeted and posted on your forum and commented on ad nauseam. And my cheeks are burning.

I didn't expect my blog to be noticed, or to draw any attention from the ex-Scientology community. I've been out of the loop for almost 30 years, and hadn't even heard of Mark Rathbun or Mike Rinder until recently. After all, my involvement was quite boring in the big scheme of things - but awful for me nonetheless. But I guess I'd assumed that, if it was noticed, it would be met with indifference.

So it was a bit unnerving to read comments from people who presume to know anything about me based on a few blog posts. And I was bemused that anyone thought I was an OSA op. (Not sure what that is, but it doesn't sound good!)

One person contacted me directly, and she was friendly and open, forthcoming with her story and interested in mine. Thanks, Elli!

I don't know any of you, and I don't know your stories, so I can't comment on what you have or haven't been through. But I wonder, if we sat down with a pot of coffee and talked about other things, if we'd like each other.

P.S. - For a non-Scientology view on psychiatry, you could read Reality Therapy or Warning: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health by William Glasser, M.D., a board-certified psychiatrist.

P.P.S. - Thanks for the tip on spellcheck!


  1. - This book claim to have a lot of references with evidence, but it relies on a few authors.
    - The book is not an example of neutral research, as he is tied to a business
    - There is no foundation in evidence of randomized clinical trials
    - He asks a lot of money for following courses

    This sounds very Hubbardish again..

  2. Hubbardish? I haven't used Hubbard or Scientology as a frame of reference in over 25 years.


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