Sunday, January 17, 2016

Thursday at 2 - the stat push

If a Scientologist calls you Wednesday night or Thursday morning, DON'T PICK UP THE PHONE!

Week end is Thursday at 2, and in Toronto Org at least it tended to be bedlam. This was the last chance for staff to "get their stats up" before the 2:00 deadline. Students were pushed through courses - sometimes late into the night on Wednesday. Public were bullied and harassed and harangued to sign up for (i.e., pay for) their next service. Other public were "persuaded" to join staff.

So what are stats? I really don't want to go into this too deeply because, like everything else in Scientology, it's complicated and tied in with a bunch of other stuff that's complicated, like ethics conditions. (Lots of other stuff online if you want to check into that.)

In a nutshell: the measurable products that you're responsible for - whether that be gross income, student completions, new staff members, bodies in the shop (yes, that's a real thing), whatever - are expected to be higher than they were the week before. In some Orgs, staff pay (a euphemism for "pittance" in Toronto) was tied to whether your stats increased from the previous week, and by how much. So there was a lot at stake.

The only book LRH approved of that wasn't written by him was Big League Sales by Les Dane.

I was never involved in regging - getting people to part with their hard-earned money for training or auditing. (Reg = registrar - someone who registers people for services.) But similar techniques were used to "encourage" public to join staff. And I was involved in that.

Hubbard claimed that since man is basically good, and since Scientology is the only thing around that can lift mankind "out of the mud it thinks conceived it," something else is getting in the way of their turning over the money and their lives to Scientology.

In other words, the person's objections aren't really the person's objections. These objections are coming from something other than the person's innate goodness - perhaps from someone who's antagonistic to their progress, perhaps from the next thing that they as a spiritual being need to have handled. And it was our job as staff members to steamroll over those objections and GET THEM MOVING!

Like the Borg, resistance is futile - because persistent resistance is viewed as anti-Scientology. And no good can come of that!

And so if you decide to wander into an Org just to check it out or do a personality test, do not do it on a Thursday before 2!

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