Showing posts with label OT III. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OT III. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2015

The aims of Scientology

                              "Pay close attention to what they do

                               but little attention to what they say."

                                                                     William Glasser, "Choice Theory"

"A civilization without insanity ...

When you join Scientology, you're pushed to get to OT III as quickly as possible. This is called the Wall of Fire, and is apparently not for the faint of heart, but vitally necessary to freeing the planet.

(OT - operating thetan: a thetan is a spiritual being, not a body. III - level 3.)

You can find a full description of this highly confidential material here.

WARNING! Hubbard cautions that, if you read this material before having successfully completed all the earlier levels, you will become overwhelmed and stop sleeping, and within a few days you'll contract pneumonia and die. It's that powerful!

I read the OT III material within 48 hours of leaving Scientology, and I didn't even get a cold.

Thousands of Scientologists around the world believe every word of OT III. And if that's not insanity, I don't know what is.

... without criminals ...

In the 1970s, the Guardian's Office - the covert operations branch of the Church of Scientology, run by Mary Sue Hubbard  (L. Ron Hubbard's wife) under his direction - infiltrated the IRS and other government and corporate offices and copied documents - quite a lot of documents, actually.

In 1977, the FBI raided the Church of Scientology and recovered the stolen documents - enough to fill a 16-ton truck.

Eleven high-ranking Church officials were indicted and convicted. The sentences ranged from 2 - 6 years.

Here's the story of the covert op called Operation Snow White.

Here's the court document entitled Stipulation of Evidence (in Canada, we call it an agreed statement of facts) that Mary Sue and her co-conspirators admitted to.

And this is the court's decision.

  ... without war ...

These folk are Sea Org members.  That means that every single one of them has signed a one billion year contract with Scientology. (See "A civilization without insanity ..." above.)

The Sea Org are the elite of the elite and have reached the pinacle of what it means to be a staff member. They are referred to by some as the clergy of the Church. I think of them as The Enforcers. Note the "We do whatever it takes" in the last ad.

They certainly have that "dedicated glare" - but not much of a sense of humour. Imagine if they were running the world, bringing freedom and sanity to earth - BY FORCE.

... where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights."

Now, if we could just get rid of Scientology, we might stand a chance!